
Why don’t I mentally feel like my normal self postpartum?

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fourth trimester

The period after delivery is often considered the “fourth trimester” and can last between 30 days and three months. There are many changes that occur in a woman’s body during this time including hormone fluctuations where estrogen levels drop approximately 300%. This hormonal shift generally takes an average of 10 days to balance out.  With the hormone changes that occur post-pregnancy coupled with sleep deprivation, adapting to the demands of a newborn, and fulfilling countless other responsibilities, it is normal for a new mom or even a seasoned mom to have multiple changes in mood over the course of a day. After the much anticipated arrival of the new baby and the excitement of birth, it may come as a surprise for new moms to experience emotions such as sadness and anxiety. It’s a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider about how you feel physically and emotionally postpartum.

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Sleep is so important but the optimal amount is different for each family member.
It depends on age and other factors.
Find out the healthy sleep ranges by age, for you and your growing family.
Starting with babies (newborn to one year),
toddlers, preschoolers, school aged
children, teens and adults.

Guide to optimal family sleep (daytime naps & at night) 

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