
An adventure without the kids (and without the mommy guilt)

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Many Mothers I know take the opportunity to get away with their partners or friends without their children once in a while, and I am no exception. This weekend, my husband and I jetted off to NYC for an adventure (we love to travel but do a lot less of it since having children). This trip is exciting and much needed for many reasons – to name a few, it’s our first trip away together since our second baby was born and it marks the one year anniversary that my husband was cleared of the C-word. And, it is my first visit to New York!

I also try to take a weekend trip with my best girlfriends once a year. Ever since we began living in different cities, and have become increasingly busy with things like careers, partners, kids and everything in between, we have found it more important than ever to take the time out to catch up in person. What I enjoy most about these trips is that no matter how long it has been since the last time we caught up, it’s like we haven’t skipped a day without talking.

I really do miss my daughters when I am away from them for more than a day. And although mother’s guilt is something I’m learning to overcome, I still have that nagging feeling that I should be at home with my family because my full time job takes me away from them most of the week. One of the most valuable books I have read is I Was a Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids: Reinventing Modern Motherhood by Trisha Ashworth and Amy Nobile – it’s a light read, super funny and really helps to put things into perspective (try to read it when you are pregnant with your first child if you can, but it’s never too late!).

Taking time for yourself and cultivating relationships with people who are important to you is meaningful for a few reasons. As a role model for your children, it teaches them the importance of relationships with others. Perhaps more importantly, it is a big part of maintaining your sanity and sense of balance.

Please share your stories and thoughts on travelling, trips away from your kids, time with friends and family, and mommy guilt!

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