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Five tips for finding suitable childcare

Children's Health

Finding suitable childcare for my kids has monopolized a significant amount of time and energy over the years. Our childcare situation has been more complicated in some months compared to others, most notably when I returned to work full time when my babies were each three and seven months old and when my nanny went on a maternity leave of her own. As my family’s needs have changed, we have tried different childcare arrangements: nanny sharing, employing our own nanny, daycare and day home. The most recent dilemma occurred when our full time nanny left us to go to university this past fall.

I’ve learned a few things when it comes to finding the right childcare provider, including that some of the most valuable tips come from listening to the experiences of other parents. The list below, which outlines some important questions to ask before you make a decision about childcare, is based on the experiences of a multitude of parents. 

These are the top five things I wish I would have known when I first started looking for childcare.

goals for family planning
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Top five tips to goal setting and planning a family


Making the right decision about careers, partners and having a family are hot topics of conversation among people I know, both women and men. Regardless of age, the list of life changing decisions we are faced with seem to go on and on! 

Our hopes, dreams and fears affect the decisions we make, and the uncertainty surrounding life plans can be overwhelming, not to mention a huge stressor in our lives. There’s no denying that ideas proposed in the worldwide phenom The Secret are pretty amazing – being able to manifest the life you desire by using the laws of attraction sounds perfectly simple in theory. But in practice, having it all (whatever that means to you) may seem completely unattainable, especially if you are going through a difficult time or transition at work or in your personal life. Many of us question how you get started creating the life you want…

Goal setting can be beneficial for a number of reasons, including helping prioritize things that are important to you and giving you something to strive for and achieve. Being in a serious relationship and having a family will change your life, and adding these milestones to your list of goals could help determine when the timing is right for you. Listening to the experiences of others and learning from their and our own past mistakes can also be helpful, especially if we are empathetic and can set aside our judgments.

Below are five tips for goal setting and planning a family.

customizable birth plan template
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How to create a birth plan (3 top tips and 2 customizable plans)


Delivering a baby is hard work (it’s called labor for a reason!). One way to help make it more manageable is by having a written birth plan that outlines your preferences. A birth plan can be a helpful guide for you personally but it can also help inform your birth partner, doula and healthcare provider about your preferences as well.

Here are three tips for helping you create a birth plan as well as links to a few sample birth plans to help guide you along the way.

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Packing checklist for babies, toddlers and kids (and parents too!)


I’ve grown so accustomed to packing for myself and the kids when I travel (which is a ton of work!) that I’m always surprised to only have one piece of luggage to check-in and one carry-on when I travel by myself. I went on a much needed girls trip last weekend and was pleased to find that my suitcase wasn’t overweight from the extra kid stuff – even on the flight back, despite my shopping indulgences (and mother’s guilt for being away).

tips for camping with kids
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Five tips for camping with kids


Before kids, my husband and I camped. A lot. We knew just what to pack and had our camp set up down to a science. Our trips were relaxing, stress free, and often landed us in some remote spots, far removed from the city life and its amenities. Once kids entered our lives, we both decided that camping was something we wanted to continue to do and experience as a family. The first couple of times out, we quickly realized that we were no longer the experts we thought we were! Our game plan needed to change dramatically if this was going to work. After a couple of semi-disastrous experiences, we learned a few things, most importantly the value in being prepared (over prepared really). If you are interested in family camping and are ready to take the plunge, here are my top 5 tips for a successful trip along with a few of my favourite camping memories.

how to prepare your child for a dentist appointment
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Preparing your child for a dentist appointment

Children's Health

Taking your child to the dentist is a reality that we, as parents, have to accept. Depending on your little one, this can rank up there as an overall unpleasant experience worthy of calling in backup. But don’t fret… there are some simple strategies you can apply to help turn that frown upside down!


    books that inspire gratitude
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    Books that inspire gratitude

    Children's Health

    Regardless of who we are or where we come from, I think the majority of parents have similar aspirations for their children – to be happy, healthy, well adjusted members of society.

    With children, good character building needs to be modeled and taught.  While not a simple task, the journey does not have to be a boring and tedious one, especially with the help of picture books!

    nanny sharing tips
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    Exploring the nanny share idea

    Family Health

    It seems like wait lists for the best daycares and government accredited day homes continue to get longer, and that childcare is becoming more and more expensive. Believe it or not, it is less expensive to hire a live out nanny than to send two of your children to some of the most reputable daycares in Calgary (true story!).

    For some parents, sharing a nanny with another family can be a great option, especially if each family has one child or if they only require part time care. I shared a nanny with…

    Sleep is so important but the optimal amount is different for each family member.
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    Find out the healthy sleep ranges by age, for you and your growing family.
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    children, teens and adults.

    Guide to optimal family sleep (daytime naps & at night) 

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