A common topic of conversation among those interested in having children is when is it the right time to start a family?
The short answer is that it will be different for everyone.
Here are five questions that may help you make a decision that’s right for you.
Before you try to conceive, visit your healthcare provider for a checkup, including pap and breast exam. Also discuss your medical history and physical and emotional health. Below is a list of examples of things you may want to discuss concerning your health or the health of your partner.
Age and weight: This may affect your ability to conceive.
Lifestyle: Nutrition and supplements, occupational health concerns and exposure to pesticides, toxins and other harmful exposure, smoking, alcohol or recreational drug (use or abuse) and appropriate detox, as well as stress-reduction, anxiety and depression.
Medication: This includes medication that you previously took, are currently taking or plan to take.
Birth control detox: Whether you should detox from birth control prior to conceiving and how.
General health and the health of your reproductive organs: Current or prior infections, illnesses, sexually transmitted diseases and damage to reproductive organs, etc.
How to increase your chances of getting pregnant, including the use of appropriate lubricants: Ask your healthcare provider for up to date statistics as well as information from relevant reports and studies.
If you are looking for a more well-rounded approach to your health and wellbeing, including being informed of natural remedies, consider visiting your medical doctor as well as a naturopathic doctor.
Sleep is so important but the optimal amount is different for each family member.
It depends on age and other factors.
Find out the healthy sleep ranges by age, for you and your growing family.
Starting with babies (newborn to one year),
toddlers, preschoolers, school aged
children, teens and adults.
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