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Does being on birth control make it harder to get pregnant when you go off of it?

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does birth control make it harder to get pregnant after

It can take a few cycles for your body to normalize after you go off of any method of hormonal birth control. In some cases, it can take up to a year start to ovulating again and in others it can happen right away, this is very individual. Oral birth control also depletes the body of B vitamins in your body so increasing these important nutrients in their activated form is essential. IUD forms of birth control work differently than oral forms and generally does not stop ovulation from occurring. This is especially true for the copper IUD while the progesterone IUD’s can reduce ovulation in 5-15% of women. Most women return to baseline fertility right after removal; however, it still may take a cycle or two to return to a pattern. This is more common with the hormone based IUD’s which tend to create light periods or stop flow all together. 

Find out how to increase your chances of getting pregnant here.

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