when to stop waking baby at night to feed
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When can I stop waking my baby for feedings at night & when you should start sleep training your baby

Ask Dr Pam Q&A

Lack of sleep is something most parents anticipate when their new baby arrives. It is not realistic to expect eight hours of perfect, uninterrupted sleep with a new baby but a gradual improvement in the quality of sleep can be expected as your baby grows, develops, and their need for nutrients at night decreases. Determining the best time to establish a sleep routine for your infant is highly individual, there is no rule for or against when to start. 

how often should you fee
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How often should I feed my newborn baby?

Ask Dr Pam Q&A

Most newborns feed every 3-4 hours, however some may need to feed as often as every two hours. Expect to feed at least eight times in a 24 hour period. During growth periods, your baby may…

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Bébé au Lait Nursing Cover


This nursing cover is Calmmother approved as a necessity for Mom’s who are breastfeeding or expressing milk (only if you prefer to cover up of course!). It offers comfort and peace of mind when feeding at home, at work or on the go. The beautiful patterns add some flare to a disheveled new Mom look.

can you get pregnant with a newborn
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When will I begin to ovulate again after my baby is born?

Ask Dr Pam Q&A

Most women ovulate 6-8 weeks after their baby is born…

newborn baby dirty diapers
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Why is my newborn baby’s poop black?

Ask Dr Pam Q&A

Many new parents may not realize that the greenish black tarry looking stool is actually normal.

how to tell if baby is dehydrated
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How can I tell if my baby is dehydrated?

Baby Health

Below are general signs that your baby is not getting enough fluids or is dehydrated: 

how much weight should newborn gain
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How much weight should my baby gain in the first few weeks after delivery?

Ask Dr Pam Q&A

It is normal for babies to lose up to 7% of their birth weight in the first few days of life. They should return to this weight or surpass it by the second week mark…

Sleep is so important but the optimal amount is different for each family member.
It depends on age and other factors.
Find out the healthy sleep ranges by age, for you and your growing family.
Starting with babies (newborn to one year),
toddlers, preschoolers, school aged
children, teens and adults.

Guide to optimal family sleep (daytime naps & at night) 

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