why children struggle with obesity
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What is the cause of childhood obesity?

Ask Dr Pam Q&A

There are a few factors that contribute to childhood obesity. The main components include: 

how to reduce sugar and high processed foods and drinks in diet
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How can I avoid processed, high sugar foods and beverages?

Ask Dr Pam Q&A

I am pretty realistic with my patients and understand that on occasion unhealthy foods are going to be consumed. Suggested ways families can help reduce their intake of unhealthy food options are:

electronic devices use for kids iphone ipad computer tv
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What is the maximum my child should spend in front of a screen (TV and other electronics)?

Ask Dr Pam Q&A

As a general rule, it is suggested that screen time should be reduced to less than…

prevent obesity in children
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Preventing Childhood Obesity

Children's Health

In 2014, one in every four (23.1%) of Canada’s youth were considered to be overweight or obese and in the U.S., the statistics are one in every three children.* These figures have significantly increased over the past two decades and childhood obesity is now considered a public health concern. Overweight children tend to become overweight or obese adults which can lead to the premature onset of a variety of illnesses. There is even a rise in childhood diabetes (type 2) that was not seen before. Excessive weight at any age is linked to many physical health concerns from insulin resistance, high blood pressure (hypertension), and other chronic diseases. A decrease in emotional and social well-being is also noted for many overweight individuals and this is also true in children from a lack of self-worth to social isolation. 

packing kids lunches
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Back to school kitchen prep


It’s that time of the year again, the undeniable back-to-school feeling is in the air and you may already hear the first-day-of-school bell ringing in your head. Many of us are already starting to think about the lunch boxes we will need to pack for our school-age children. It can be hard when the lazy days of summer give way to the mad rush of getting everyone out the door on time with a nourishing breakfast in their belly and a healthy lunch in their backpack. Adding to the pressure, there are end-of-day challenges of having dinner on the table when your family returns home and convenes for your evening meal. 

Here are some of my top tips to help you transition from summer holidays to school season in the kitchen.

stress free travel with kids
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6 secrets for stress-free travel with children

Family Health

Travelling with children can be stressful, especially on long road trips or if you’re stuck in an airport. I’ve travelled long distances with my daughters since they were six weeks old and we have certainly had our fair share of meltdowns – admittedly, I’ve had my moments too – but it never ceases to amaze me that at least one fellow passenger comments every time about how relaxed we all seem to be. But with help from experts like Dr. Pamela Smith, ND and lifestyle and wellness expert and nutrition coach, Michal Ofer, and the Moms at Calmmother I know we’re in good hands.

Here are our top six tips to help make traveling with children stress-free regardless of whether you’re on a road trip or an airplane with a newborn or a five year old (or both!).

picky eaters kids
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How to deal with picky eaters (even if one of them is you)


Many of us are or live with picky eaters –  whether they are your kids who won’t eat anything but hot dogs, chicken fingers or mac and cheese or your partner who seems to be doing everything possible to sabotage your efforts to change the family meal plan. This is a tough situation, made even more challenging when the positive changes are necessary for healing, getting your energy back or losing weight. 

natural remedy for ear infection onion poultice
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Is there a natural way of helping to draw an infection out of my child’s ear?

Ask Dr Pam Q&A

You should never place anything inside your child’s ear unless instructed by your child’s doctor. However, it is ok to place a warm, or cold – depending on your child’s preference, compress overtop of the ear. Here are instructions on how to use a warm onion as a drawing agent to help draw the infection out of the ear. Sounds crazy but it works!

how to prevent ear infection in baby
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What causes ear infections in children?

Ask Dr Pam Q&A

Ear infections are a common complaint many children experience, especially between the ages of 6-36 months. Some children will grow out of frequent infections as they develop and their ear anatomy changes.

Sleep is so important but the optimal amount is different for each family member.
It depends on age and other factors.
Find out the healthy sleep ranges by age, for you and your growing family.
Starting with babies (newborn to one year),
toddlers, preschoolers, school aged
children, teens and adults.

Guide to optimal family sleep (daytime naps & at night) 

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