Baby teething pain is terrible and can seem so much worse at night. Knowing the best remedies for teething that work for your baby can make all the difference in the world.
Teething can be so tough for many babies and their parents. When my son is teething, I often wonder why it has to be so painful for them considering just being a baby can be hard enough!
As a parent and a physician, there are a few initial things parents should know about teething in addition to knowing when babies start teething and the remedies. Knowing the symptoms and making sure it’s teething and not an infection.
In this webinar we spill our six secrets to get your baby to sleep through the night without having to worry about tears… because we know how much sleep for you and your family matters especially with an infant!
But we don’t just tell you what the secrets are, we actually show you how to implement them to help ensure success with your baby. A lot of this is contained in our book, co-written by Dr. Pam and me called Thriving with your new baby, available on Amazon.
Would you like to avoid being sleep deprived even though you have an infant or newborn baby?
Do you just need your baby to be on a sleep schedule that works for your family, and avoid as many tears as possible?
This video explains how you can make this happen!
For all of us desperately wondering how to get baby to sleep longer at night. Thinking how amazing it would be to avoid newborn feeding every hour & newborn feeding every 2 hours at night and between daytime naps. Wishing for a newborn feeding guide, schedule, or routine that helps say goodbye to sleepless nights. Look no […]
It’s not unusual when a baby eats every two hours or less, especially when they are a newborn.
Feeding a newborn baby is exhausting, especially if you’re breastfeeding! New parents can expect to feed their newborn baby at least eight times every 24 hours (for more info, see this Dr. Pam Q&A).
Most newborns feed every 3-4 hours, however
We know that sleep deprivation is not good for us, particularly for prolonged periods of time. According to Dr. Pamela Smith, ND getting less than six hours of sleep a night can lead to severe sleep deprivation, and chronic sleep deprivation can have very serious health implications.
After many tears, trial and error, I’m happy to say that my three boys consistently sleep well each night. When you have more than one baby you quickly realize how truly individual each child is. Some children are more spirited than others, and each one has different needs and bedtime negotiation tactics! As parents, we know there isn’t always one answer for all kids.
After trying many sleep training methods with my second child and none of them working, I knew I didn’t want to risk more sleepless nights with my third. I used the Calmmother feeding and sleep program to transition my third baby on a good sleep routine. It is much easier to gently put your baby on a sleep routine when it’s the only thing they know, compared to breaking the well-established sleep habits of a toddler, preschooler or school-aged child.
Our top 5 tips for sleep training babies over one year, toddlers and small children are below.
Keeping things organized has always been important to me but pregnancy intensified my urge to systemize every room in the house, from the pantry to the nursery. I was also unable to resist the urge to clean and put away all of the basic baby things I’d accumulated weeks before my due date. The closer to the end of pregnancy, the greater the urge to nest!
Sleep is so important but the optimal amount is different for each family member.
It depends on age and other factors.
Find out the healthy sleep ranges by age, for you and your growing family.
Starting with babies (newborn to one year),
toddlers, preschoolers, school aged
children, teens and adults.
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